Ent names and what they mean to us

“My name is growing all the time, and I’ve lived a very long, long time; so my name is like a story. Real names tell you the story of things they belong to in my language”


I saw this quote from Lord of the Rings the other day while reading In The Shelter by Pádraig Ó Tuama, and I’ve been thinking about what it means for us. It’s a really beautiful concept.

What is an Ent name? It’s a name that is continually evolving and growing as people and places impact your life. It tells the story of what you belong to – what you have given yourself to and what has been given to you.

My name would start with Mark Fletcher Ragland, of course, but that’s not where it ends. Next comes Chuck and Mae Beth, followed by Matt, Neil, Laura, and Sarah. Rockmont and Faithful Falcon would join the name story eventually. Bear, Gator, and Jaguar are part of my name story. Carolyn will come in with emphasis, and my baby girl’s name will come in with emphasis soon too. Other places like Glacier and Yosemite will enter as well. Other people who have blessed me and loved me – family, college friends, camp friends, Nashville friends. I belong to all of these people and places. My story cannot be told without them.

What is your Ent name? What are the people and places that have impacted you and help you tell your story?

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